HomeThe Studio.. Seating Charts*CONCERTO Performances.. *Mozart Cycle 2020*CHAMBER Music.. *RiverArts 2022Tour.. *RiverArts 2021Tour.. *RiverArts 2019Tour.. *RiverArts 2018Tour.. RiverArts 2016TourSOLO "Masters Series".... Programs & Notes.. "Sunrise" Series Part 2.. "Sunrise" Series Part 1Press Coverage

Live Performance Video Recordings can be found on tabs marked *


UPCOMING EVENTS (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025):

 - Westchester Chamber Soloists - Oct 13, Nov 15, Feb 23, Mar 30, May 17

- Concerto Appearances 

   Feb 15:  Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 1 - Greater Newburgh Symphony (Russell Ger, cond)

   Feb 22:  Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 3 - Univ. of Pennsylvania Symphony (Thomas Hong, cond)

   Feb 23:  Beethoven - "Emperor" Concerto - Westchester Chamber Soloists (Steven Moshman, cond)

   May 17:  Gershwin - Piano Concerto in F - Westchester Chamber Soloists (Ovidiu Marinescu, cond)


RECENT EVENTS (2023 - Spring '24):

 - 2024 / Jun 3: RiverArts Music Tour: WCS  Friends

           also Cara Quartet / Hudson Valley Singers

 - May 19:  Schumann - Piano Concerto with Westchester Chamber Soloists

 - Feb 17: Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 3

       with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra (Russell Ger, Music Director)

 - Jan 7 & 13: J.S. Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos 

       with Westchester Chamber Soloists

 - 2023 Dec 3: Grieg - Piano Concerto with Westchester Chamber Soloists

 - Jun 4: Fauré - Fantasie for Piano & Orchestra with Westchester Chamber Soloists

 - Jun 3: RiverArts Music Tour: Andes Manta / Westchester Chamber Soloists 

 - Mar 12 & 15: Yonkers Philharmonic Annual Young Artists Concerto Competition 

 - Mar 5: Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 / Thuille: Sextet for Winds & Piano  

      with Westchester Chamber Soloists

 - Jan 1 & 7: J.S. Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos

      with Westchester Chamber Soloists


 STUDIO TIMELINE (2010-Present)

  (See tabs for video recordings, program notes, press coverage & further details)


Concerto Appearances with Orchestra: Rachmaninoff No. 3 (2013),

    Bartók No. 2 (2014) / Prokofiev No. 3, Saint-Saëns No. 4 (2015) / Chopin No. 1,

    Tchaikovsky No. 1, Grieg, Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue, Franck - Symphonic

    Variations (2016) / Brahms Nos. 1 & 2 (2017) / Chopin No. 2, Saint-Saëns No. 2

    Prokofiev No. 2, Rachmaninoff No. 2 (2018) / Beethoven No. 4, Ravel G major &

    Left Hand, Rachmaninoff - Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, Liszt - Totentanz,

    Scriabin, Prokofiev No. 3 (2019) / Prokofiev No. 2, Saint-Saëns No. 2,

    Beethoven - Choral Fantasia, Mozart No. 19; "Live-at-Home" Series:

    Mozart - The Piano Concertos (complete) (2020) / Rachmaninoff No. 1,

    "Live-at-Home" Series: Beethoven - The 5 Piano Concertos (2021) / Dvorák,

    Rachmaninoff No. 4 (2022) / Strauss - Burleske, Prokofiev No. 1, Beethoven No. 4,

    Fauré - Fantasie / Grieg (2023) / Rachmaninoff No. 3, Schumann (2024)


Chamber Music - Featuring the Westchester Chamber Soloists & Friends:  

  Westchester Chamber Soloists (2020-Present):

    Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 / Thuille: Sextet for Piano & Winds (5-Mar-2023) 

    J.S. Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos (complete) (1&7-Jan-2023)

    Beethoven: Choral Fantasia / Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 19 (8-Mar-2020)

  RiverArts' Music Tours (2018-Present):

    Beethoven: The Sonatas for Violin & Piano and for Cello & Piano (2018); Brahms:

    The Sonatas for Violin & Piano and for Cello & Piano and Other Duo & Trio

    Masterpieces for Violin, Cello & Piano (2019), Great Trios, Quartets & Quintets for

    Piano & Strings (2021); Great Duos, Trios, Quartets, Quintets, Sextets & More for

    Piano, Winds & Strings (2022)


Solo Recitals: Sunrise Series & Masters Series Concerts The Piano Music of Chopin,

    Schumann, Debussy & Ravel; Beethoven: The 32 Piano Sonatas & Diabelli Variations,

    Albéniz (Iberia), Granados (Goyescas), J.S. Bach: The Keyboard Music; Major works

    of Brahms, Schubert, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev & Stravinsky (2010-2012);

    RiverArts "Collectanea" Recital with live modern dance, poetry reading & visual arts


Other Events: Yonkers Philharmonic Annual Young Artists Concerto Competitions (2019-24)


Alan Murray has appeared extensively in solo and chamber music recitals and as concerto soloist with symphony orchestras in the US and Europe, under the auspices of Arista International Music Enterprises, based in New York.

     Mr. Murray has performed over 50 piano concertos (40+ live performance recordings available on this site) including the great concertos of Bartók (No. 2)Beethoven (Nos. 1-5, Choral Fantasia)Brahms (Nos. 1 & 2), Chopin (Nos. 1 & 2), Dvořák, Fauré (Fantasie), Franck (Symphonic Variations), Gershwin (Rhapsody in Blue), Grieg, Liszt (Totentanz), Mozart (complete cycle), Prokofiev (Nos. 1, 2 & 3)Ravel (Left Hand & G major)Rachmaninoff (Nos. 1-4, Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini), Saint-Saëns (Nos. 2 & 4), Schumann, Scriabin, Strauss (Burleske) and Tchaikovsky (No. 1). His 2020-21 pandemic-period "At-Home Concert Series" performances included the complete cycles of Mozart's & Beethoven's Piano Concertosboth of which originated with the March 2020 public inaugural performance of the Westchester Chamber Soloists (link) chamber orchestra - for which Mr. Murray is founder and Executive & Artistic Director. An active and dedicated chamber musician, Mr. Murray's recent season performances have featured Beethoven's and Brahms' complete Sonatas for Violin & Piano and for Cello & Piano as well as duo, trio, quartet, quintet and sextet masterpieces by Arensky, Brahms, Debussy, Dohnányi, Dvorák, Fauré, Franck, Grieg, Piazzolla, Poulenc, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Shostakovich, Schubert, Schumann, Thuille and Tchaikovsky. (Visit the Chamber Music and RiverArts Music Tour tabs for complete recording links, programs, and notes).

In prior seasons, Mr. Murray presented the Masters Series and Sunrise Series Concerts in the New York area, over 100 solo recital programs in total, comprising multiple performances of the cycles of piano music of ChopinSchumannDebussyRavel and J.S. Bach, as well as Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas and Diabelli Variations and major works of SchubertBrahmsLiszt, Albéniz (Iberia), Granados (Goyescas), RachmaninoffProkofiev and StravinskyMr. Murray also conceived and initiated Collectanea, the first in a series of multi-artistic-media performances in collaboration with the Hudson Valley artistic not-for-profit RiverArts.org and other distinguished artists, combining art/poetry/dance-inspired classical piano masterpieces with simultaneous on-stage illuminated displays of still art, live modern dance and poetry readings; the initial program comprised Bach-Busoni's Chaconne, Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit, Liszt's Vallée d'Obermann, and Granados' Goyescas. (Visit the Solo Performances and related tabs for Mr. Murray's solo recital series programs, notes and composer biographical information.)


A career professional in finance and risk management, Mr. Murray is an executive at global insurance ratings and research firm AM Best, prior to which he was a long-term member of the Global Financial Institutions Group management team at leading credit ratings and research firm Moody’s Investors Service in New York, where he managed international client portfolios across the Americas, Bermuda, Europe and Asia-Pacific regions and had executive management responsibility for operations the Latin America region; he began his career as a member of the corporate actuarial team at worldwide insurer American International Group. Alan resides in Westchester County, New York with his wife Amada and daughter Celia., where for more than a quarter-century they also owned and operated a specialty bookstore, Galápagos Books.  Alan is also founder and Executive & Artistic Director of the Westchester Chamber Soloist (www.WestchesterChamberSoloists.com), Westchester County's premier chamber orchestra, which performs seven separate concerts per season and is the resident orchestra at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY.  Alan Mr. Murray began his musical studies in the New York area with Frances Wazeter and Allen Weiss, and his long-time performance coach is Robert Preston, distinguished concert pianist, professional artistic photographer and chamber music collaborator with the very finest of his generation. Mr. Murray holds diplomas in concerto and chamber music performance from the International Musicians Academy in Europe and an academic degree in theoretical physics/cosmology and languages from Cornell University, where he also received a special University Award for distinguished piano soloist.



Studio Hollywood, based in the Rivertowns area of lower Westchester County, named for the street on which it's located, and just a 15-minute drive or short scenic train ride from Manhattan, is a modern multi-purpose performance, rehearsal and recording space. Set in idyllic natural surroundings with ample natural lighting, the studio features magnificent and carefully maintained vintage Steinway D (concert grand) rosewood and Steinway B flame-mahogany pianos, as well as 850 sq ft (37'x23') of sound-insulated and illuminated studio space with high ceilings, beautiful natural hardwood flooring and trim, and comfortable seating for up to 50 guests, or approximately 30 musicians.
The studio opens up to the surrounding stone-terraced gardens, fish pond and gazebo, and is wheelchair-accessibile from the street. Since inception in 2010, Studio Hollywood has hosted over 100 musical and multi-media events and is available on a privately-negotiated basis for use by visiting artists and performers. Additional detail on the studio facilities, including seating capacity and charts, is available here on The Studio tab.